Easify V3 is no longer supported.

For continued support and to get the latest features we recommend that you upgrade from V3 to V4 as soon as possible.

NOTE: This help article refers to Easify Version 3 which is no longer supported.

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Easify has built in support for taking card payments via YesPay. 

YesPay are a payment gateway provider that allow you take card payments using Chip & PIN for cardholder present transactions, or cardholder not present if you take payments via Mail Order / Telephone Order (MOTO).

If you have a YesPay account and have installed the YesPay EasyVTerminal software (see later section in this user guide on setting up and configuring EasyVTerminal), you can enable YesPay within Easify here.

Enable YesPay
Tick this to enable YesPay support within Easify. When you enable this option you will be able to process cardholder not present card transactions from the POS payment screen or via the 'Take Payment for Order' button in the back end Order details window.

YesPay EVT IP Address
This is the IP address that the YesPay EasyVTerminal application (EVT) is installed on. This will be the same computer as you are running Easify on so leave this set to which is the TCPIP loopback address.

YesPay EVT IP Port
Normally you will not need to change the IP Port that YesPay listens on, only change this setting if instructed to do so by Easify support. 

YesPay EVT Receipt Port
Normally you will not need to change the IP Port that YesPay send receipts on, only change this setting if instructed to do so by Easify support. 

Enable Chip and Pin Pinpad
Enable this setting if you have a Chip & PIN Pinpad that you will be using to process cardholder present card payments.

With this setting enabled Easify will give you the option to process card payments via Chip & PIN when you take a card payment via the POS payment screen or via the 'Take Payment for Order' button in the back end Order details window.

Route YesPay Payments to the ??? account.
When a card payment is processed via YesPay you can choose to have the payment recorded in any account that you have created in Easify. In the screenshot above we're routing card payments into the current account, in this example whenever a card payment is taken it will appear in the Easify current account in the cashbook.


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