Easify Web

Reporting and Stock Taking on any device, anywhere - with 'Easify in a Browser'...

  • Works on any device...

    Easify web can be accessed via any modern web browser. Use it on iPhone, Android, Linux, Windows etc...

  • Included FREE with an Easify Subscription

    Easify Web is included and ready to use in your Easify Cloud Server subscription at no extra cost.

  • Log into Easify Web now

Easify Web allows you to instantly view your real-time sales figures and carry out real-time stock taking on your mobile device from anywhere with an internet signal.

Easify Web features a real-time dashboard that displays your sales stats as well as your active jobs list. It also allows you to view any report that exists in Easify Pro , for the date range of your choice.

So if you want to quickly see your days takings on your mobile, log into Easify Web and you will have the information you need in the palm of your hand.

Stock Taking

If you have an Easify subscription, you can log into Easify Web and do a real-time stock take using your smartphone camera as a mobile barcode scanner.

Simply scan the barcode of a product, Easify Web will load up the product details from Easify, and you just tap in the quantity of the product that you have on the shelf and the stock level will be instantly updated.

Access to Easify Web is included at no extra cost to Easify Subscribers, so if you have an Easify Cloud Server, it's ready and waiting for you to use.

Try it for yourself!


What do I need to be able to use Easify Web?

Because Easify Web is accessed via the internet you will need an Easify Subscription to access it, if you have an Easify Cloud Server subscription then you already have access to Easify Web.

How do I access Easify Web?

Simply go to the Easify Website, click the Home menu item and then click Easify Web.

Can I access Easify Web on any device?

Yes, pretty much any device that has a modern web browser can access Easify Web. Easify Web is written entirely in HTML5 so it is not restricted to a particular device or app store.

Where can I find out more?

Click here to learn more about logging into Easify Web...

Click here to learn more about Stock Taking with Easify Web...

Click here to learn more about using your smartphone camera as a barcode scanner...

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