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 Developer Q - Switching Between Easify Servers/Databases

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Posted by BrockleyJohn

Developer Q - Switching Between Easify Servers/Databases

I would have put this in the developers/EASU forum but I can't post new messages there!

I've developed a complex set of middleware between Easify and osCommerce for a client, which has been live for some time. We're now looking at further phases of development.

The original development was done within their environment before it went live. I now have a development installation of Easify on my laptop - not currently running EASU but that's the plan.

When on the customeer's LAN, I'd like to be able to use Easify on my laptop pointed at their server/database, without losing the separate environment on my laptop.

I'm unsure how to set this up - do I just run another install on the laptop and point this at their LAN or is there a better way?

web developer & integrator, Easify reseller, based in south London

Posted by John

Re: Developer Q - Switching Between Easify Servers/Databases

To switch from one Easify database to another you could edit the connection string registry key:


Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by BrockleyJohn

Re: Developer Q - Switching Between Easify Servers/Databases

John said:

To switch from one Easify database to another you could edit the connection string registry key:


Thanks, John

web developer & integrator, Easify reseller, based in south London

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