Easify News - 22nd February 2017

We are pleased to announce that Easify V4.39 has been released.

In this, the third update to Easify Version 4 we bring you new features, bug fixes & performance updates...

What's new in Easify version 4.39?

We have added the following new features...

  • In the Order Details Window, changing the Order Status to Complete will automatically set all products to Delivered.
  • Product Importer Preview now has word wrap for status column, making it easier to understand product import issues.
  • Product Importer now has additional default settings for Cost Price, Retail Margin and Trade Margin.
  • Phone Dialler button has been added to Supplier Details Window.
  • New permission added to allow users to set Orders to Invoiced status without requiring full Accounting privileges.

The following issues have been resolved

  • Fixed null reference exception when uploading products to an eCommerce channel.
  • Improved performance of Product Importer preview.
  • Improved error checking of Product Importer preview.
  • Product Importer now handles '%' symbols in imported margin fields.
  • Product Importer now handles currency symbols in imported price fields.
  • Bug fix when Importing Products to update stock levels, cost price set to 0.01.
  • Resolved Product Importer issue when importing product categories and subcategories.
  • Product Importer now detects EAN No. not being a valid number and warns you that it may need to be changed in the CSV file.
  • Resolved rare issue where Easify windows remembered locations file became corrupt on system power loss.
  • Fixed issue with Order Details, where Order Comments were blanked after using Customer Picker Window.
  • Resolved issue in Order Details Window when using Manual or Semi-Auto stock control software mode.
  • Resolved issue where products could not be de-allocated in the Order Details Window.
  • Re-worded pop-up message when showing Net column in Orders Window.
  • Resolved issue where application became unresponsive when deleting many (thousands) of products simultaneously.

Many thanks to everyone that has helped us by submitting bug reports and feature requests. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you encounter problems ASAP and we will get them resolved as quickly as we can.


Do I need to upgrade from V3 to V4 before upgrading?

No, if you wish to upgrade from Easify V3 you can go straight from Easify V3 to V4.39 by running the Easify V4 installer.

I am an Easify V4 user, are there any technical reasons that would prevent me upgrading to V4.39?

No, anyone who is using Easify V4 will benefit from the update.

You can download the latest version of Easify Version 4 here...

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