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 Setteling Customer Accounts

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Posted by wobbleyoultd

Setteling Customer Accounts


Hoping for some clarity.

I sell some small value items to clients and put them on their customer account. Without having to go in to each item and invoicing them, is there a way to accept payment for bulk orders? One client has around 20 'orders' open which need paying - some are in progress, and some are completed(?).

I can provide more information if required.

Many thanks, Mark.

Posted by John

Re: Setteling Customer Accounts

Hi Mark,

Happy New Year!

You will need to enter payment for each order currently.

We will be reviewing a bulk payment feature for a future update though.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by smartfit

Re: Setteling Customer Accounts

Hi - is there any progress regarding the bulk payment option for account customers or do we still need to allocate payments to individual invoices.

many thanks


Posted by drweld

Re: Setteling Customer Accounts

I think this is the same feature I need to accept payment on multiple orders that are due

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