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 Purchase order

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Posted by BeeBox

Purchase order

Hi Easify team

I have been trying to add a new purchase order using the drag trop facility for re-ordering stock

When I complete the purchase to received it brings up a statement " No Suplier has been Selected"

Where to I add a supplier I dont see a drop down box stating my suppliers

Tks Brgds

Posted by Richard

Re: Purchase order

A purchase is similar to an order in that you assign a supplier by dragging them from the suppliers window to the supplier details area of the purchase as shown in yellow below:

  [Missing attachment: Purchases.PNG] 

You can open the suppliers window from within a purchase by clicking the toolbar button as shown below:

  [Missing attachment: Purchase2.PNG] 

BTW you can also add a product to a purchase by typing its Easify SKU into the SKU column of the purchase as shown in yellow below:

  [Missing attachment: Purchase3.PNG] 


Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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