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 Receipt Printing - What is currency code for GBP?

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Posted by AlexandrasofKeswick

Receipt Printing - What is currency code for GBP?


I am using a receipt printer and have set it up on Easify which has defaulted currency code as 156. What is the value for the '£' symbol?

I am using a Star TSP100printer which I used with my old EPOS system and printed the £ symbol fine. I have set it up on Easify as a Print Driver Type ESC/POS.



Posted by John

Re: Receipt Printing - What is currency code for GBP?

Hi Alexandra,

Could you try using one of the following decimal codes and let us know the result?



Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by AlexandrasofKeswick

Re: Receipt Printing - What is currency code for GBP?

Hi John

I've tried both of those. One produces an upsidedown and back to front letter L and the other a small letter g.

I have now tried all 256 codes! 128 shows no currency symbol (neither does 32). However the font has now very large - not ideal but will be OK for a few days.

Anythingelse you suggest I try?



Posted by John

Re: Receipt Printing - What is currency code for GBP?

Hi Alexandra,

I am unsure which character set / encoding set your printer is set to, you should be able to get this information from Star TSP technical support:


+44 (0)1494 471111

You will need to ask them that you need the decimal code for the UK Pound sign based on the default character set for your printer model, (bearing in mind your character set may not currently be set to the default). It'd be worth asking them to trouble shoot which character set your printer is currently set to, this would help the process along.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by AlexandrasofKeswick

Re: Receipt Printing - What is currency code for GBP?

Thanks John, I did as you advised and got intouch with the printer company and their advice was:

'The pound sign will be in code page 1252. The code for it is A3 Hex which is 163 decimal. If you change the code page for this printer to this, and then set the pound sign as 1252 you should be able to print the pound sign.'

So on the printer set up I had to change their codepage settings to 1252 rather than the default of normal and then went to Easify and entered the currency symbol as 163 and it has worked.

Thanks for your help,


Posted by John

Re: Receipt Printing - What is currency code for GBP?

Not a problem, happy to have been of some help.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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