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 easify suitable for charity shop?

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Posted by everythingbaby

easify suitable for charity shop?

hi there - i'm really interested in easify, as i am in the process of starting a new charity selling donated goods. do any other users use easify for stock control or pos in a charity shop setting? even the cashbook facility seems to be useful - can i export the cashbook to my accounting package (possible FrontAccounting)? cheers, katy 

Posted by John

Re: easify suitable for charity shop?

Hi Katy and welcome to the forum!

We have many charities using Easify for their stock control and POS solution.

With regards to your accounting package, Easify can export a spread sheet (CSV format) that lists Sales and Purchases over a given date range, 'File > Export > All Transactions'. As we have not come across your accounting package, I cannot say how compatible this data is going to be. You may need to modify the data exported from Easify to make it easier to import into your accounting package.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by everythingbaby

Re: easify suitable for charity shop?

hi there

so what i'm looking for in an accounting package is the ability to import data as csv files? that shoudl be fairly easy to check....thank you

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