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 Purchasing one-off items

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Posted by LetchWood

Purchasing one-off items

Most of my work is about providing services, but I will occasionally source equipment and install it as part of the work. This means that I do not have a stock list as such, but I do want to itemise the equipment on the invoice. Is there any way of making purchases and allocating them to invoices without creating a new SKU and stock item for each component? I can make purchases, but they do not turn-up on the invoice unless they have been created as products. It there some step I have missed when purchasing one-offs?

Thanks for any ideas

Posted by John

Re: Purchasing one-off items

Hi LetchWood and welcome to the forums!

In the current version, Easify requires that you have a product (complete with SKU) in order for you to add it to an order. Purchases can currently consist of once off items that are not part of the products list, although this hasn't been implemented for orders yet.

I have just made sure that this request is now part of our feature request list and will be reviewed for a future free update.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by Jowo

Re: Purchasing one-off items


The way I sell one off items is to have a General Sales SKU with a price of Zero, then use the note's section of that SKU to add in the information of the sale and put the price in manually

Hope this helps


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