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 Create purchase order

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Posted by enfields

Create purchase order

Hi, i may be being stupid but cant find a way of creating a purchase order automatically.

I can create an order and add items manualy and i can also create a report of what needs ordering but i would like to be able to ask 'easify' to create an order based on my low stock and reorder levels. HOW?

Thanks Jon.

Posted by John

Re: Create purchase order

This is a popular feature request that we are planning on including in a future update.

So for the moment, purchase orders need to be raised manually using the Products Needed for Stock / Orders reports.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by enfields

Re: Create purchase order


I am also having a problem with the report as its telling me i need to order items that have no reorder level??

How do i change it so it only tells me to order items that have reorder levels??

Posted by John

Re: Create purchase order

Could you email us a backup copy of your database so we may investigate this issue in our lab?

Here is our guide on how to do this:


Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

Re: Create purchase order

enfields said:

Hi, i may be being stupid but cant find a way of creating a purchase order automatically.

I can create an order and add items manualy and i can also create a report of what needs ordering but i would like to be able to ask 'easify' to create an order based on my low stock and reorder levels. HOW?

Thanks Jon.

So the question is when is this going to be implemented ???? why dump the data to a report when it could fill a table???

By having the data in the Product item - you would think that the system would have the ability to do this already.

I've just dumped a system because of it's stock ordering function..can we have an idea of time scale for this please?




www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

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