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 Resizing header & footer images

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Posted by legrant

Resizing header & footer images

Hi there,

Just updated and am working with the Paperwork Designer (great addition).

Previously I'd changed the header and footer images on my invoices and just want to simply drop these back in.

However, the images are too big and I cannot find a resize tool in the software.

Have I missed it or do I need to supply it with the correct-size images?

Also - once I've fixed the images. Is there a way to save the design to a location so that all my terminals can access it rather than having to change the invoice on every machine?



Posted by legrant

Re: Resizing header & footer images

Forget the second question - I've just noticed the export button so I assume that'll do it providing I locate the images in universal location.

Still struggling to get a clear image embedded though....

Posted by legrant

Re: Resizing header & footer images

Panic over - managed to wrangle it into position.

Very tricky to get it right - Could I add some sort of co-ordinate positioning or dimension output to the wish list for the next version?

Posted by John

Re: Resizing header & footer images

Thanks for your feedback!

Yes we plan on improving the handling of the Paperwork Designer in a future free update.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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