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 Trade & Retail Price Lists

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Posted by pclgib

Trade & Retail Price Lists

Hi there

A couple of queries....is it possible to personalise the price lists, i.e change the easify logo to our own logo.

Also can it be customised to show certain categories. We do not want to publish the supplier on our price list but want to include the Description and Our Stock Code if possible.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Many thanks


Posted by John

Re: Trade & Retail Price Lists

All reports under the "Report" menu in Easify currently run on Crystal Reports.

These can be edited / created using a Crystal Report editor. We use Crystal Reports 2008.

To change the header and footer graphics you will need to edit the following files in a programme like Microsoft Paint:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Easify\<COMPANY NAME>\Images\EasifyReportHeader.jpg

C:\Program Files (x86)\Easify\<COMPANY NAME>\Images\EasifyReportFooter.jpg

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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