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 Price Increase

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Posted by Dave

Price Increase


One of my suppliers has applies an 8% increase to the items we purchase off them, how do i amend our cost prices by 8%



Posted by John

Re: Price Increase

You could export your products via File > Export > Products, then use spread sheet software like Excel to increase the cost price. After saving your changes import the spread sheet back into Easify via File > Import > Products.

Before importing, please perform a backup. That way if you make a mistake you can restore from backup and start again.

Please note, when you map the columns choose the cost price, category, subcategory, retail inc vat and one of the identity columns (if you've not got unique values for each product in one of the following fields: our sku, manufacturer sku, supplier sku, ean no... then you won't be able to update product details, instead the importer will insert new product records, giving you duplicates).

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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