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 Assign User not sending/receiving email notification

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Posted by Marika

Assign User not sending/receiving email notification


We have been experiencing problems today when we are using Assign User. No one is receiving any emails. I have checked in Options under email setting and the SMTP is correct. I have ticked the box to receive all internal notes and that is working fine but sadly no one is receiving emails when being assigned to an order (My Active Jobs section) is working fine and is showing up there.




Posted by Richard

Re: Assign User not sending/receiving email notification

Was this something that was working before, but has stopped working for you.

Or are you setting it up for the first time?

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Marika

Re: Assign User not sending/receiving email notification


Yes has worked before not sure why not now also the internal notes are working fine. Should I wait until tomorrow in case it needs to rectify itself? Thanks


Posted by Richard

Re: Assign User not sending/receiving email notification

I would leave it until tomorrow. If it worked before and then stopped working it's probably a glitch with your internet connection or email provider.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Marika

Re: Assign User not sending/receiving email notification


Hope you are well. Unfortunately the assigned user email notification still not working. Very odd. We have been using the internal notes instead to get us by....would you have any other possible suggestions pls? Many Thanks, Marika


Posted by Richard

Re: Assign User not sending/receiving email notification

I would double check the SMTP settings that you have specified in Options, and make sure that they are correct, and that there are no problems with whoever your SMTP provider is.

It is also possible that you have anti-virus software or a firewall preventing Easify from sending out emails on SMTP port 25.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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