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 Product images uploaded multiple times to WooCommerce

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Posted by Adrian Bhagat

Product images uploaded multiple times to WooCommerce

If you add a product image in the Product Info Editor of the Easify client, that image gets uploaded to WooCommerce every time the product is updated (for example, every time you sell one of the product, the image gets sent to WooCommerce). It appears multiple times in the WordPress media manager and presumably is taking up a lot of storage.

To make this worse, you can't delete an image once it has been added to the product info!

I've got around this by adding the images in WooCommerce instead but I have a couple of products with images in Easify that I can't delete.

Posted by Richard

Re: Product images uploaded multiple times to WooCommerce

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for reporting this issue, we will look into it and see if we can re-create it here.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Richard

Re: Product images uploaded multiple times to WooCommerce

Hi Adrian,

Just to let you know this issue has been resolved and will be released in the next release of the Easify WooCommerce plugin (Plugin V4.5).

We hope to get the new version of the plugin out there in a week or so.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Adrian Bhagat

Re: Product images uploaded multiple times to WooCommerce

That's brilliant, thank you very much

Posted by Richard

Re: Product images uploaded multiple times to WooCommerce

Adrian Bhagat said:

That's brilliant, thank you very much

Thank you for reporting the issue.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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