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 How to enable trace logging for Easify Payment Sense card terminal transactions...

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Posted by Richard

How to enable trace logging for Easify Payment Sense card terminal transactions...

If you experience issues when processing card transactions using a Payment Sense card terminal, you can configure Easify Pro to log additional information that can help us at Easify support to troubleshoot the problem.

To enable the additional logging do the following:

Close Easify Pro…

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Easify\Client\ there will be a file named Easify.exe.cfg

Note: You may need to set Windows Explorer to show file extensions for known file types before you can see the ".cfg" at the end of the file name.

Open this file in Notepad and change the following line from Off to All as shown in bold below:

    <source name="Easify.Pro.CardPaymentTracer" switchValue="Off">


    <source name="Easify.Pro.CardPaymentTracer" switchValue="All">

Save changes and then re-launch Easify Pro.

From here on the card transactions will log detailed tracing information that we can use to determine what the problems are.

If you get any more glitches after that, please email the Easify.Pro.CardPayments.log file from C:\Program Files (x86)\Easify\Client\ to support@easify.co.uk and we will be able to investigate for you.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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