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 Bulk Customer Payments

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Posted by Jamie

Bulk Customer Payments

It would be helpful & save time if you were able to mark multiple customer orders as paid all at the same time. Many of our customers place multiple orders a month & pay them in one payment & at present we have to go into each order to mark as paid.



Posted by Richard

Re: Bulk Customer Payments

Hi Louise,

Thank you for your suggestion, we've had a few requests for this and we will be looking at implementing it in a future update.

Currently we are doing some major work on the accounting side of things in preparation for the forthcoming MTD requirements from HMRC.

This will involve changes to the way we handle payments so I will see if we can perhaps get this implemented as part of those changes.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Arthur

Re: Bulk Customer Payments

I was just wondering if there was any progress with having this feature implemented as it would save a lot of time.

Many Thanks


Posted by Ojas

Re: Bulk Customer Payments

Good evening,

A Little nudge on this one if I may as it would be rather helpful for us also

Thank you


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