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 Delivery address on Purchase orders

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Posted by Ian Spurgeon

Delivery address on Purchase orders


I am enjoying Easify, slowly getting my head around the software, but one feature I can't find is who to specify a delivery address on a purchase order, is this something I have missed? At the moment I have added it as a text box, but then have to edit it every time I need to change the delivery address. Can this be linked to warehouse location?

Posted by Richard

Re: Delivery address on Purchase orders

Ian Spurgeon said:


I am enjoying Easify, slowly getting my head around the software, but one feature I can't find is who to specify a delivery address on a purchase order, is this something I have missed? At the moment I have added it as a text box, but then have to edit it every time I need to change the delivery address. Can this be linked to warehouse location?

Hi Ian,

Do you need to have a different delivery address on each purchase order, or will it always be the same?

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Ian Spurgeon

Re: Delivery address on Purchase orders

Hello Richard

It could vary from order to order, it would be useful to have a field so you could set it per order

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