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 image sizes in Paperwork designer

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Posted by drweld

image sizes in Paperwork designer

Hi me again!

Is there a way to see the size of an image in the paperwork designer?

I am trying to put my logo on them and want it the same size on all paperwork.

Edit: I may just pay for the paperwork design service. Anyone used it?

Would this be able to make all the images the same size, add my address, telephone, vat etc? Also on things like the statement, include customer PO number, alter due date so it's 30 days EOM, to name a few that I've spotted so far, might be more

Posted by Richard

Re: image sizes in Paperwork designer

There isn't a way to see the image size in the paperwork designer, you would need to do it by eye.

There is a way to do this but it depends on how hands on you like getting with the technical aspects... What you can do is Export the paperwork to a .rep file from within the Paperwork designer, then open the .rep file in Notepad (or other text editor). Search the file for "Picture1" or whatever the image is named in the paperwork.

Near where the picture is defined in the .rep file you will find something like the following:



You can change these values to the size you want (I believe they are in millimetres) and save the changes to the rep file.

Then from within the paperwork designer you can import the rep file you edited and it will load as a new paperwork document with the changes you made.

This way you can get one document looking how you want it, and then export each other document, change the values to match the original and then re-import them.

It's a bit around the houses but it's the technique we use in house.

We get a fair few people opt for the paperwork design service, you just tell us what want on the paperwork and we take care of getting it just how you want it. It can be cost effective in the long run as you don't need to learn the paperwork designer in such depth and we can turn around the design pretty quickly.


Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by drweld

Re: image sizes in Paperwork designer

Thanks Richard, that's useful, I could probably manage that.

I think I will go for the design service though to save my time as it's not expensive at all.


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