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 Applying a Fuel Scale Charge in VAT return

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Posted by SueM

Applying a Fuel Scale Charge in VAT return

Prior to Making Tax Digital I was able to manually add the Scale Charge to Box 1 and the VAT on the Scale Charge to Box 6. Generating the VAT report using Easify results in a form I can't edit. I have been trying to think of how I could get round this and the only thing I have been able to think of is to invoice a sale for the scale charge. However this leads to 2 problems:

1. I inflate my sales unrealistically.

2. I have to account for payment

I guess I could 'invoice myself' and pay the invoice myself but it still feels wrong.

Is it a viable solution ? Any better solutions?

Posted by Alison

Re: Applying a Fuel Scale Charge in VAT return

Hi Sue

I would suggest setting up a customer called 'Fuel Scale Charge' rather than yourself as if you were to use your own name on an invoice it might cause confusion later down the line.

Then it will be clear that any orders raised against this are purely for accounting for the Fuel Scale Charge fees.

You could also set up an Order Type which is only used for such charges. As you say, it will inflate your sales, but any such transactions should be easily recognisable on the reports.

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