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 Espon TM-T20III RECEIPT NOT connecting with easify

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Posted by Jags

Espon TM-T20III RECEIPT NOT connecting with easify

Print driver type (selected) windows getting error. Printer not connected. Please advise


Posted by Alison

Re: Espon TM-T20III RECEIPT NOT connecting with easify

Hi Jags, this isn't a model that we have a support guide for, however most receipt printers will work with our software.

We have the following help guides for other similar models which might help:



Posted by Richard

Re: Espon TM-T20III RECEIPT NOT connecting with easify

Jags said:

Print driver type (selected) windows getting error. Printer not connected. Please advise

You should be able to use the ESC/POS driver with this type of printer instead of Windows.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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