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 [SOLVED] Message says 'Invalid username / password'

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Posted by Alison

[SOLVED] Message says 'Invalid username / password'

Obviously this can be caused by an invalid username or password being entered , however it can also be caused by incompatible Easify Pro Client software being used.

The Easify Pro Client software and the Easify Server will need to be on the same version.

You can see the version number under Help-About on the Easify Pro Client (you don't have to be logged into see this).

If you are running the on-premises version of Easify you can see the version number of your server under Easify Server Manager.

If you are using Easify Cloud we can advise you which client version you need to install.

Both need to be the same version and legacy versions are available on our website under Downloads.

The top links on the downloads page are always for the current version of Easify.

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