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 Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export

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Posted by pedalpowerip5

Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export


I need to report on Zero rated VAT sales. I have been using the sales export but the Z 0% VAT column always shows 0. I have added some columns and formulas to get some data, but is there an easier way? Can you flag the Z VAT column from the completed sales order, to indicate as 1 for example on the export? My scenario is this, cycle helmets are Zero rated, I could sell 1 helmet on 1 invoice or I could sell 1 helmet and 1 bike on the same invoice. I need to identify every completed sale that contains the Z VAT code   . Can you help? 

Thanks Mark

Pedal Power Cycles Ltd



Posted by Richard

Re: Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export

Hi Mark,

How quickly do you need the zero rated items exported?

The reason I ask is that we have completed a modification for feature pack 6, whereby you can get the cashbook to expand to include a VAT breakdown per transaction, zero rated transactions are displayed as '0' VAT whereas transactions that have no zero rated VAT display a blank for VAT.

This is also exportable to CSV.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by pedalpowerip5

Re: Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export


Thanks for your prompt reply. This can wait until FP6 is released. It will be very helpful for the future, can't wait for the new stuff, especially chip and pin intergration, looks really good.


Pedal Power Cycles Ltd



Posted by Richard

Re: Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export

Hi Mark,

No problem  

We're looking forward to getting chip and pin rolled out too! Our payment gateway provider have also recently announced that they can offer an upgrade to the card processing system to allow you to take card payments using your mobile too. So will be very handy for field service people.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by pedalpowerip5

Re: Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export

Richard said:

Hi Mark,

How quickly do you need the zero rated items exported?

The reason I ask is that we have completed a modification for feature pack 6, whereby you can get the cashbook to expand to include a VAT breakdown per transaction, zero rated transactions are displayed as '0' VAT whereas transactions that have no zero rated VAT display a blank for VAT.

This is also exportable to CSV.


Has this been released yet?


Pedal Power Cycles Ltd



Posted by Richard

Re: Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export

Hi Mark,

Not yet, we've had some delays on FP6. If you need to get the information out in a rush let me know and we ought to be able to get you some updates before the main release.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by mohamed.tarmohamed

Re: Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export

Please can we ALL have the update before the main release? We are anxiously waiting. Also to mention have you looked at the Profit and Loss report because in the Purchases Area when I set the date range to lets say sunday where we have no activity at all purchases are still shown. Also that having products cost lets say £2.17 + vat and selling around 5000 units the VAT is not calculated accurately.

Posted by Richard

Re: Z 0% ( Zero Rated ) Sales Export

[quote="mohamed.tarmohamed":3qbgckgm]Please can we ALL have the update before the main release? We are anxiously waiting. Also to mention have you looked at the Profit and Loss report because in the Purchases Area when I set the date range to lets say sunday where we have no activity at all purchases are still shown. Also that having products cost lets say £2.17 + vat and selling around 5000 units the VAT is not calculated accurately.[/quote:3qbgckgm]

Hi Mohamed,

Will see what we can do.

Regarding VAT, Easify uses a retail model for VAT calculation where the VAT is calculated per item and the total for the order is the Item price * Qty. This ensures that if someone buys some thing at the POS, the total they pay is teh ticket price * qty. For small values and large Qtys this can lead to VAT rounding, but the ticket price * qty will be correct. We are currently looking into a modification where we also support per order VAT calculations, but this will not work for the POS.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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