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Posted by barrah


hi everyone

just a quick post to find out about when searching for items

when i am searching for items i have put into my system i have to type in the exact way i have typed the item into the system

is there no proper index search where i can only type part words in and i can find what im looking for ?

Posted by John


Hi Barrah and welcome to the forums,

You can use the % symbol to search for part words.

For example, if I wanted to search for orders that started with the order number 136 I'd put 136% into the search box. If I wanted to search orders that have 136 at the end of their order number I'd put %136 into the search box.

Hope this helps you search more effectively.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by barrah


Thanks a lot thats a great help

Posted by aleena


thanks john for helping and barrah for asking such a good question, it also solved my problem 

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