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 website integration

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Posted by jenbrown

website integration

Hi. Having a look at your product. We use amazon to sell and also opencart for our own website. How would/ could we integrate these sales channels with our stock control system please? We have no stock control at present and want to implement a system that covers as many bases as possible from the start.

Many thanks

Posted by Richard

Re: website integration

Hi Jen,

Easify can function as your in house stock control system, and with the optional extra Easify Advanced Server Upgrade (EASU for short) you can connect Easify to your website. http://www.easify.co.uk/features/ecommerce/

We don't currently have a pre-made connector for OpenCart but we could create one for you no problem and also do the full integration and setup. Please drop me an email to support@easify.co.uk and we can give you a price for this if of interest.

We don't currently connect to Amazon, but this is something we aim to implement in the coming months...

Please feel free to fire away if you have any other questions 

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by jenbrown

Re: website integration

Richard said:

Hi Jen,

Easify can function as your in house stock control system, and with the optional extra Easify Advanced Server Upgrade (EASU for short) you can connect Easify to your website. http://www.easify.co.uk/features/ecommerce/

We don't currently have a pre-made connector for OpenCart but we could create one for you no problem and also do the full integration and setup. Please drop me an email to support@easify.co.uk and we can give you a price for this if of interest.

We don't currently connect to Amazon, but this is something we aim to implement in the coming months...

Please feel free to fire away if you have any other questions 

great, thanks for the quick response. i'll email you to get an idea of integrating with opencart. thanks

Posted by Richard

Re: website integration

Thanks Jen - you have mail 

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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