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 Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

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Posted by workshop72

Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Many thanks


Posted by Richard

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

workshop72 said:

Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Many thanks


Hi Ryan,

Have a look at our guide on installing the Orient, it has all the info you need. http://www.easify.co.uk/support/epos_ha ... guide.aspx

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by workshop72

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Hi there,

I did try this but when I click on install it give an error message saying, Please connect USB cable and power on, which I have done.

Any idea?



Posted by workshop72

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Ok, so have figured this out. However, it doesn't come up with successfully installed. I can see that when opening list of printers in control panel that it is there but have an error message. Also, my printer is the R580 and not the R880.

Posted by Richard

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Did you purchase the printer from us or somewhere else? The reason I ask is we usually supply the R880.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by workshop72

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Hi, Yes I did buy this from Easify.

Can you log on remotely? We are in desperate need to get this resolved.

Many thanks


Posted by Richard

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

workshop72 said:

Hi, Yes I did buy this from Easify.

Can you log on remotely? We are in desperate need to get this resolved.

Many thanks


Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the clarification, the model number threw me there.

The earliest we can do is tomorrow morning if you want to hop onto Live Chat some time after 10:00 AM.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by John

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Hi Ryan,

Please uninstall any R880 printer software and drivers you have installed.

You will need to use the following download link to get the latest compatible driver for your Orient BTP-R580II printer.


If you continue to experience issues please visit our live chat facility via the support menu on our website.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

Like our facebook page and always get the latest updates!

Posted by workshop72

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer


We have now bought a new laptop and installed the R580 link and when we do a test print we get an error message. Printer in error state.

Can you please help?

Many thanks


Posted by John

Re: Need help urgently to install Orient Receipt Printer

Please join our live chat system during office hours, Mon - Fri, 9am - 5.30pm, for further assistance.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

Like our facebook page and always get the latest updates!

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