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 Supplier Database import

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Posted by DerekCor

Supplier Database import


I have just installed trial of software and have a couple of questions.

Am I able to import a suppliers database in total? We are a card and gift shop

and deal with several suppliers/manufacturers who supply various products

which would fall in different categories/sub categories, so not sure if I can import

their databases?

Also am I able to raise purchase order using barcode scanning as there does not appear to be

an option to do this?

Sorry if I am being naïve here but I am new to this software and EPOS generally!



Posted by John

Re: Supplier Database import

DerekCor said:

Am I able to import a suppliers database in total? We are a card and gift shop

and deal with several suppliers/manufacturers who supply various products

which would fall in different categories/sub categories, so not sure if I can import

their databases?

Yes, there is a way of importing multiple suppliers at once.

When you go to import your products you can ask the importer to automatically import any supplier names into the system that aren't already present. We do not have a facility to import all supplier details at once in the current version, although we have this feature raised on our system which will be reviewed for a future update.

DerekCor said:

Also am I able to raise purchase order using barcode scanning as there does not appear to be

an option to do this?

No, this is not currently a feature but I shall make sure it is on our feature request list.

DerekCor said:

Sorry if I am being naïve here but I am new to this software and EPOS generally!

We would recommend you watch our Getting Started video if you haven't already and other videos in our library to get a better idea of the workings of our software,


Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

Like our facebook page and always get the latest updates!

Posted by DerekCor

Re: Supplier Database import

Hi John

Thanks for your reply and I will certainly investigate further.

To be absolutely clear with regard to scanning,,once databases have been imported

to program I would then wish to scan current stock to establish stock levels, also

when we receive a delivery note from supplier which has a barcode on it or the product itself has a barcode

scanning this code will not input stock and update stock levels on database?



Posted by John

Re: Supplier Database import

Updating stock levels is possible on mass when using the importer.

To do this you would need to have a linking column in your spread sheet; this column is used to link each spread sheet row to a product that exists in your Easify database.

The fields that you can use to link with are as follows:

Supplier SKU


Manufacturer SKU


Here is our importer guide:


Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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