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 ecommerce and others

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Posted by graphskill

ecommerce and others

Really liking the look of easify, but I have some questions about e-commerce and other things

1) Can the system link to more than one website? We have three separate Prestashop installations. Each selling a different subset of our products

2) Is it possible to specify which products are on the website (s) and which are not?

3) When installing on a server, is a peer to peer network OK? You say it is best not to allow a user to use the server installation - why? as that would mean having an idle computer

4) We have a number if interlinked access databases which is becoming far too cumbersome, but the benefit is we can access the data if we need to access a new feature. Is it possible to access the data tables remotely from an access database?



Posted by John

Re: ecommerce and others

graphskill said:

1) Can the system link to more than one website? We have three separate Prestashop installations. Each selling a different subset of our products

Easify hasn't been specifically designed to do this currently, you'd have to have one company setup for each subset of product. It would be possible though to do it with some middleware code written on one of your webservers to handle which product categories are allowed on which website.

graphskill said:

2) Is it possible to specify which products are on the website (s) and which are not?

Yes, you publish products that you wish to synchronise with your website.

graphskill said:

3) When installing on a server, is a peer to peer network OK? You say it is best not to allow a user to use the server installation - why? as that would mean having an idle computer

Please review this support video that explains the best ways to setup Easify and gives the technical information if you wish to know more about the way Easify can be setup:


graphskill said:

4) We have a number if interlinked access databases which is becoming far too cumbersome, but the benefit is we can access the data if we need to access a new feature. Is it possible to access the data tables remotely from an access database?

Here is our guide on how to connect Excel to the Easify database, I'm sure the process is similar to link Access to the database too:


Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by graphskill

Re: ecommerce and others

Thanks for the reply John

I will look at those videos about linking. Perhaps we can use links to import orders and adjust stock

Looking forward to the new release to evaluate further as I believe it may have some BOM facilities

Posted by John

Re: ecommerce and others

Please be aware that we do not provide free support for non standard editing of your Easify database. Please backup before performing any changes.

Regarding Bill of Materials (BOM), this is a very popular request but did not make it into the next free update FP8, it is however being considered for the next update.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

Like our facebook page and always get the latest updates!

Posted by SoftOutlook

Re: ecommerce and others

We can help link Easify software to more than one website and manage which product data be loaded to a specific e-commerce.

We have helped Easify clients link Easify software with MS Access and other applications.

Do talk to us and let’s explore Easify software potential.


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