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 Format String

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Posted by chrisransley

Format String


Trying to format my Invoice to display the comma (,) when the value is in thousands but have not found a correct format string.

EG want 1,500.00 not 1500.00. How can I do this without using the {0:c} as I do not want the currency displayed here.

Posted by Richard

Re: Format String

Hi Chris, try using a format string of {0:N}

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by chrisransley

Re: Format String

Hi Richard,

thank you, that did the trick.

Why are you using the currency from Windows and no longer from Tools -->, Options --> Finance --> Regional Settings --> Currency Symbol?

This is going to cause issues when needing to print a Purchase order in a different currency quickly.

Posted by Richard

Re: Format String

Most people use a single currency for Easify which is the one in their Windows regional settings, so this make it easier for most users.

The Easify specified currency symbol is still accessible via the General section of the Field Explorer:

  [Missing attachment: PaperworkCurrency.PNG] 

You can use this in your reports wherever you prefer the Easify specified currency symbol to appear.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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