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 No automated stock ordering?

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

No automated stock ordering?

Forgive me if I'm wrong..

Having taken the time to complete product records for re-ordering - minimum quantities and reorder amounts..I would have thought that there would have been an automated product ordering function..

eg create new purchase..select supplier..RUN

So the system would then give you the completed order for you to tinker with..

NO??? or is little old me missing something???? with it being the end of a long day.....

Thanks much all



www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by John

Re: No automated stock ordering?

Raising purchase orders is a manual process in Easify, you can use the Products Needed for Orders report to determine what you need and from which suppliers to satisfy your outstanding orders. The Products Needed for Stock report shows you which products are running low and how much you should reorder.

Automation of this process is planned and will make it into a future version.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

Re: No automated stock ordering?

ROFL - that's like winning a race but not crossing the finish line..so the system can do all the work and dumps to a report rather than auto filling a product purchase order...


www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by cydifferent

Re: No automated stock ordering?

John said:

Raising purchase orders is a manual process in Easify, you can use the Products Needed for Orders report to determine what you need and from which suppliers to satisfy your outstanding orders. The Products Needed for Stock report shows you which products are running low and how much you should reorder.

Automation of this process is planned and will make it into a future version.

Hello, same question here and it seems after 5+ years this is still not been deployed?

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