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 Customer Statement

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Posted by Julia

Customer Statement


We have notice that in the customer Statement the Total Balance section in fact consists a Total Amount.

Is it possible to get a Total Balance £1128.02 (so-called outstanding balance) and not a Total Amount £1228.02 in this section?

Date Invoiced Invoice(s) Amount Balance

22/05/2017 100006 Due - 21/06/2017 £235.50 £135.50

20/05/2017 100015 Due - 19/06/2017 £992.52 £992.52

Total Balance: £1228.02

Overdue Amount: £0.00

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Posted by Richard

Re: Customer Statement

Hi Julia,

We've got a free update coming in the next week or so which includes some changes we've made to the customer statements, including a Bulk Customer Statement printer.

I will make sure you're query is looked at before we release the new code.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Alison

Re: Customer Statement

Hi Julia

Many thanks for your forum post. This issue is currently being addressed by our technical team and should be resolved in the next update.

Kind regards Alison

Posted by Julia

Re: Customer Statement

Hi Richard,

I'm wondering what is the progress with releasing a new update? We are really excited for the next update.

Thank you,

Kind regards,


Posted by Alison

Re: Customer Statement

Hi Julia,

It's going through its final testing so it should be released within the next 2 weeks.

Many thanks Alison

Posted by cydifferent

Re: Customer Statement

Alison said:

Hi Julia,

It's going through its final testing so it should be released within the next 2 weeks.

Many thanks Alison

Hello, the reported issue seems to be still unsolved for some years now. Can you just review and advise the correct formula to be used in the Balance column, which is currently as follows:

if (IsDate({Customer.Order.DateInvoiced})) {

return {Customer.Order.TotalDue};

} else {

return "";




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