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 Enhancements to active jobs list...

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Posted by peter

Enhancements to active jobs list...

Being more production centered we would like to see the tasks and reporting facilities of Easify enhanced, and I suspect many of my requests for features would be more aligned to that than anything else. In the hope that we're not alone perhaps I could test the waters and see if there are others using Easify with similar thoughts?

Over on the left hand side of the screen we have a listing of allocated Jobs (My Active Jobs). As Administrator it would be very useful if I could also:

1. switch between the other users (to see what has been allocated / owned)

2. allocate jobs to users (switch as well as allocate)

3. see the current status / location of the job

4. sort by age

5. Flag by importance

6. System flag when no movement within a set period.

None of those are firmed up at all it’s more of a marker to see if it makes any sense to you? I fully realise that this is a general business software tool but I’m encouraged by what I’ve seen thus far.

Posted by Richard

Re: Enhancements to active jobs list...

Hi Peter,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting your suggestions!

There are some great ideas there so I've moved your post to a topic of its own so we can discuss these ideas more specifically.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by peter

Re: Enhancements to active jobs list...

Not sure this is the right place. I've previously suggested that the ability to repeat / copy a Job should also be do-able from the customer / Jobs screen. It would also be useful if when copying a Job it also copied the details. Having just copied a Job I note that the only thing it did was copy the customer details (no Job information was transferred)

Posted by Richard

Re: Enhancements to active jobs list...

peter said:

Not sure this is the right place. I've previously suggested that the ability to repeat / copy a Job should also be do-able from the customer / Jobs screen. It would also be useful if when copying a Job it also copied the details. Having just copied a Job I note that the only thing it did was copy the customer details (no Job information was transferred)

Hi Peter, we've added the facility to copy orders in the main customers window already so that will definitely be in the next release.

We decided not to copy over the order details (notes) when copying an order so as to have a blank slate for each copy. At present there's no way to delete internal notes so you could end up with copied jobs with stale notes on.

Related to the production side of things I'm hoping to post some screenshots and details of an Easify dashboard add-on that we have in beta test at the moment. Hopefully will find time later to get some info up here.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by peter

Re: Enhancements to active jobs list...

The more I use it the better it gets...

Previously asked for more comprehensive time reporting but as I use the system we note that Orders & Quotes has a basic means of time recording which is fine as it goes - does need a 'Comments' column as a basic wish-list item (somewhere to say what was done and where it's at sort of thing.

Hope this helps - in our workflow once the Job is raised there isn't any real need to return to the Job unless something changes in which case there would be an Email triggered. As the 'Job' flows through the system guys work on it and spend their time (my money) - all that's needed is a Time Sheet. A Time Sheet with a list of their Jobs (My Active Jobs) would be great and the ability to log time against individual Jobs. Such time would be totalled and added to the Job - Daily management reports perhaps?

I prefer to manage by exception and armed with something like this and a colour coded status would seem to fit the bill?

Posted by Richard

Re: Enhancements to active jobs list...

That sounds good  

If you open an order, there's an hours tab where you can record hours against an Easify user. It's not active in the sense that it doesn't 'do' anything, but it is a way of recording time and it gives you a total that can be used when adding a labour item to an order.

A good way to record progress is via the internal notes system. Internal notes can be added to orders or purchases and are a good way of recording important events (phone conversations, promises made to clients, notes about difficulties encountered etc...).

If Easify users have email addresses setup in Easify, they can be flagged to receive email copies of any internal notes that are added. This can be a handy way of promoting workflow, for example Bill adds an internal note to an order to say he's finished his task and sends a copy to Fred. Fred has now been notified by email that he can start his task which happens after Bill has finished. What's more the communication has been recorded for all Easify users to see.

Managers can opt to receive copies of all internal notes, so this can be a useful way for manager to have an overview of all events that might crop up and be worthy of note.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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