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 It's not adding things up correctly

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Posted by drweld

It's not adding things up correctly

An item sold to us in multiples of 20 cost price from our supplier in this way 20 items @ total of £25.84.

Therefore individual net cost for this item £1.292 each

Easify lets me store the cost price of item up to 4 decimal places. However if I put this item on to a purchase order using the correct same quantity and at the stored net price the total line value it says £25.80. if you do the math that comes out to 1.29 each. What do i do to resolve this problem please?

This is not unique to this line either, it is also doing it on other products for similar reasons.

We tried to call but your live chat is offline, your telephone support just rings out for 6-7 mins then I get a failed call forwarding message.

Posted by Alison

Re: It's not adding things up correctly

Purchases and orders only store values of real monetary amounts - i.e. to 2 decimal places, so won't store a value of £1.292.

Therefore we'd recommend adding 19 items to the purchase order at £1.29 and another 1 item £1.33. This will total the amount of the purchase to £25.84.

Posted by drweld

Re: It's not adding things up correctly

Thanks for your reply

I understand the work-around, however your answer is not satisfactory.

I can live with a work-around for now but what about in the future?

I want to know if Easify has any plans to resolve this, as I see this I fault?

If the software allows a cost price of a product to be stored to 4 decimal places then it should actually make use of them throughout the whole software. It actually forces this because it adds zeros at the end. Eg 4.82 becomes 4.8200

If it, like you say only stores real monetary amounts then it should multiply the cost price that is stored in Products by the quantity entered into the Purchase Order, then, and only then do the rounding and store that figure as the line value on the PO

This is a fault with the software and it should be fixed in my opinion.

What are Easify's thoughts on that?

NB I'm also still waiting for a response to my email to support about my custom statement not working still.

Posted by Alison

Re: It's not adding things up correctly

Thanks for your comments, I'll pass them over to the software technical team however I can't give a timescale as to when it will be looked at. In certain scenarios even 4 decimal places won't achieve certain prices - for instances if a supplier does a bulk price of £10 for three items, £10 will not divide into three.

As a thought - Easify allows you to enter purchases that aren't linked to stock items, so you might prefer to enter a line item on the purchase of 20x items at £25.84 and then add the items into stock manually by adjusting the stock level. Alternatively if you don't need stock control on an item you can switch it off on the product itself.

I'll also chase them up about your custom statement.

Posted by drweld

Re: It's not adding things up correctly


Just looking for acknowledgement of a fault or confirmation that things could be done better.

I am still evaluating whether Easify will be suitable for our business and figuring out how to train some of my staff to use it. Some of these issues I'm having are a cause of concern and will make things harder in that respect.

Hopefully some of these can be resolved and we can talk about increasing my user count, getting the subscription to enable remote access and adding the Woocommerce and Ebay channel subscriptions

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