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 Product history not been found for customer accounts

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Posted by Reflex Products

Product history not been found for customer accounts

Hi, I find when searching for product history in a customer's account it gets stuck in the "searching data" mode. I've tried setting the date range for when I know the customer made their last purchase and tried used the all year option but still get no results returned. On some accounts the product search does work but these seem to be in the minority.

Advice please,


Posted by James

Re: Product history not been found for customer accounts

Hi George,

Welcome to the forum!

Thank you bringing this to our attention. I'm not sure why the product history would only show on some customers but not others so we'll investigate this further here and let you know once we have some more information.



Posted by Rasp

Re: Product history not been found for customer accounts

I also have noticed this problem

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