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 Remember window resizing

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Posted by drweld

Remember window resizing

It would be nice if Easify could remember the resizing of the category window on products

Posted by Arthur

Re: Remember window resizing

yes i agree this would be good especially when on the POS screen and the products window doesn't show the full description, so you resize the window. However the next product you search for reverts back to the same size window

Posted by Richard

Re: Remember window resizing

Thanks for the feedback.

We're gradually replacing the entire Easify Pro user interface with new code and are adding the restoration of Window size and position as we go.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Arthur

Re: Remember window resizing

Hi I was just wondering how the progress on window sizing was going. We could do with a option of resizing the POS customer and products window, but also having these sizes remembered everytime a new product is added as it defaults back to the smaller size.

Kind Regards


Richard said:

Thanks for the feedback.

We're gradually replacing the entire Easify Pro user interface with new code and are adding the restoration of Window size and position as we go.

Posted by Alison

Re: Remember window resizing

Hi Arthur, thanks for your post. Quite a few of the windows are being re-worked as part of the Bill of Materials mod that we are currently working on.

However this won't affect the Point of Sale windows yet I'm afraid.

Posted by Arthur

Re: Remember window resizing

Any further news on when we might get some development with this? Much appreciated Arthur

Posted by Richard

Re: Remember window resizing

Arthur said:

Any further news on when we might get some development with this? Much appreciated Arthur

We are nearing the completion of Easify V5 so not too much longer to wait for the next major update.

We've made a lot of changes to the Windows in V5, including the ability to float the Windows outside of the main Easify Pro application so you can use them on multiple monitors etc...

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Richard

Re: Remember window resizing

Just a quick update to say this feature request is currently on the bench and is being implemented as we speak.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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