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 [VIDEO] - From Zero to Making Tax Digital with Easify in 15 minutes...

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Posted by Richard

[VIDEO] - From Zero to Making Tax Digital with Easify in 15 minutes...

In this video we show you how to start from scratch with no software installed, taking you through the process of installing Easify, raising a sale and a purchase, and then submitting the resulting VAT return to HMRC via Making Tax Digital - and all in under 15 minutes from start to finish.

You will need to sign up for MTD with HMRC if you haven't already done so - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sign-up-for-making-tax-digital-for-vat

Learn more about using Easify with Making Tax Digital here - https://www.easify.co.uk/Help/hmrc_making_tax_digital_mtd

And you can find out more about using Easify Small Business Software to auto-create your VAT Returns here - https://www.easify.co.uk/Help/finance_vat_returns_overview

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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