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 Woocommerec sync

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Posted by kurt

Woocommerec sync

Hi all

been looking in to this but cant find what im looking for. we have products on the website already and we are adding shipping weight to them but im finding out that its not updating woocommerce. iv now been told that it only adds in the shipping wight on a new published product.

so that means i would have to update woocommerce manualy. is there a way to get easify to pull product I.E. weight changes updates up to woocommerce.

Posted by Richard

Re: Woocommerec sync

There are two basic ways to have products synced from Easify to WooCommerce...

The first is where you do everything from Easify, you add a product in Easify, publish it, and it uploads to WooCommerce and from there everything is auto-synced from Easify. If you change the shipping weight in Easify the new weight is uploaded to the corresponding WooCommerce product.

The second way is where the product exists both in Easify and WooCommerce, but you disable auto-updates from Easify to WooCommerce in the WordPress Easify WooCommerce plugin settings. With this, only price and stock levels are synched from Easify to WooCommerce. So changing a shipping weight in Easify Pro will not change the shipping weight in WooCommerce.

See here for more info https://www.easify.co.uk/Help/ecommerce-woocommerce-synchronising-products

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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