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 Purchase Orders Changing Retail Prices

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Posted by Wyvernep

Purchase Orders Changing Retail Prices

We buy a lot of products in Euros, so we convert the cost price to GBP at the current exchange rate, which means are cost prices are constantly changing.

How do we raise a purchase order without it changing our published Retail Price? It is very time consuming to have to go back through the purchased products and update the retail prices every time we reorder!

Posted by Alison

Re: Purchase Orders Changing Retail Prices

When you move the purchase to 'On Order' it will ask if you wish to update the stored price for this item. If you click cancel here (or untick the tick box) the cost price will remain unchanged.

Posted by Wyvernep

Re: Purchase Orders Changing Retail Prices

Alison said:

When you move the purchase to 'On Order' it will ask if you wish to update the stored price for this item. If you click cancel here (or untick the tick box) the cost price will remain unchanged.

I don't get this option?

Posted by Alison

Re: Purchase Orders Changing Retail Prices

Are you using Easify with the fully Automated Stock Control option? You can check under Tools->Options->Products->Stock Control Mode.

Posted by Wyvernep

Re: Purchase Orders Changing Retail Prices

Alison said:

Are you using Easify with the fully Automated Stock Control option? You can check under Tools->Options->Products->Stock Control Mode.

No semi-automatic

Posted by Alison

Re: Purchase Orders Changing Retail Prices

I've just run some tests, and you should still get this option on the semi-automatic mode.

It will only appear when you first move a purchase to 'On Order' if the purchase price of the goods have changed.

If you still don't see the message, please send us an email so we can send over more detailed instructions.

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