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 Change product status of every item on order?

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Posted by Man_in_UK

Change product status of every item on order?

Forgive me if I do not used the correct terms but I am a bit new to this.

I am creating orders that have many lines of products on them. Once the order is complete I have to change the status on each line from 'picking' to 'delivered'.

Is there a way to change everything to 'delivered' without going through each line individually?


Posted by Alison

Re: Change product status of every item on order?

Hi, If you move the order to' Complete' under the main Order Status (top left hand corner of the Order window), it will automatically move all the products to delivered and take the items out of your stock levels.

Posted by Man_in_UK

Re: Change product status of every item on order?

Alison said:

Hi, If you move the order to' Complete'

I did not know this. You have made things much easier for me .... thanks.

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