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 Purchase Orders make Stock Items

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Posted by OrkneyTech

Purchase Orders make Stock Items

Hello all at Easify, I am trialling this software for use in my business and am very new to stock control in this way. I am simply wondering if I have to create each individual product or can I create a Purchase Order and then book in the items as new products? Then adding more detail once I have the items to hand?

This certainly looks like the solution that I need for my small business and hopefully if I am able to work with it then anyone can and I will recommend it to others.

Posted by Richard

Re: Purchase Orders make Stock Items

Hello OrkneyTech and welcome to the forums  

At the moment we don't have a way of creating stock items from a PO, you would need to create the products on the system first. And then raise a PO with the products on.

A purchase can update your stock levels once products are received.

Worth noting too that you don't have to have products that are listed in easify on a purchase, you can type in ad-hoc items that aren't stock products. This is useful if you want to record a purchase for items that you won't be selling as stock such as maintenance to your premises for example.


Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Hotel POS

Re: Purchase Orders make Stock Items

Imagine if you could effortlessly present an online ordering facility that integrated automatically with your POS solution? This is what the present technology have brought to make life easier.

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