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 Possible new user looking to streamline current system, Q's.

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Posted by PC Clinic

Possible new user looking to streamline current system, Q's.

Hi everyone

We are a computer repair and sales centre in the UK. Been running for 5 years now, and have been using a combination of software/databases to suit our needs.

We use a till system called SalesStream which although good and simple, it is lacking some features. We then use an online database provided by Zoho, which we have heavily customised to track everything Customers, Jobs, Supplier Info, Repair Tips (knowledge base) and more.

We are hoping that Easify may fit our needs. The till system and products side is straight forward enough, and similar to what we already use, but with extra features which is nice. My only concern is how we can make the rest of the Easify software fit in place of our Zoho Creator database.

My initial thoughts were to create an ORDER for a new repair job. We can integrate it with customer database and can create zero value product codes for repair types (Virus Removal, Upgrade, Software Installation, Tune Up etc). Then using the comments fields as a brief, use internal notes to capture any info from customer. Then as we move through the job, we can add notes and also add any items to the order if they are required to complete the job/sale. This way we can simplify the final process when the customer visits our store as the order can be recalled into epos and the amount the customer is charged, should be correct (if our technicians have done their work). So in theory it all works well.... here are the questions:

1. Can we edit in any way the field names for certain parts of the order creation. Ie Comments to Job Title?

2. Is there anyway we can add extra fields into the system, such as Make/Model, Passwords, accessories supplied? We currently have a combo of text entry and checkboxes for this.

3. Job Type - I suspect my idea above would be best using zero'd codes. Although be nice if Q2 is plausible.

4. Within Customer Records, any way to change the option called Relationship? We like to find out how our customers hear/find out about us. So here we would like to add in a set of dropdowns to choose from.

5. Is there a way to print a ticket off from the Order page onto a thermal printer? I have found a way to print a full job card, that is ideal to print and leave with our customers' system, to allow us to scribble on etc.

6. Disclaimer printing onto footer of Job Card. Is this possible to add in any footer text? We have to print off a disclaimer with all our jobs, and its handy to add this onto the bottom of our current job form.

I am sure I can think of many more ideas. Whilst I appreciate that some of my thoughts above are out of the scope of general user requirements, I would appreciate any thoughts if anyone has any good suggestions or work arounds.

Not sure whether the developers are able to perform custom work for individuals, but it is something that if the price was right, we would consider doing.

The potential to relocate all our current systems into one is daunting, but also exciting at the same time. When you have used a system for a number of years, and more recently, a heavily customised online database which fits the bill nicely, it's making me think whether it's worth it or not. But some of the really good aspects of Easify make me want to make this work, to benefit all at our company.

I look forward to any replies. Meanwhile, I will continue playing around and testing aspects of the system during our free trial.

Cheers all  

Phil @ PC Clinic Technologies Limited

Posted by Richard

Re: Possible new user looking to streamline current system,

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the detailed post - and welcome to the forums  

I will have good read through the points you mentioned and get back to you ASAP.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Richard

Re: Possible new user looking to streamline current system,

Hi Phil,

Sorry for the delay, I've had a look through your requirements and we should be able to meet most of your needs here...

Easify was initially developed 10 years ago as business software to run a busy computer repair/sales/service establishment as it happens, so should fit your needs quite closely as a result.

The way it would typically be used is that when you get a new job in you raise a new quote, add customer details and use the internal notes system to record job details such as what work is required, serial numbers, what's been left with you (laptop, case, charger, disks etc...).

If you create product categories of, say, Labour->Repairs you can then add your various labour elements (hourly rates, fixed fees) as products. These can be added to the order along with any parts (products) that you use.

You can edit the Easify list of Order Types to include things such as "Computer Repair", "Home Site Visit", "Insurance Letter", "Business IT Support" etc... this way you can identify which types of job you have on the go, and also this gives you an analysis when running your reports.

You can also customise order status so you can move jobs from status to status as they progress i.e. Quote, Quote Completed, In Progress, In Test, Delivery etc... This is a handy way of seeing what state your workload is in at any given time.

In answer to your numbered Q's:

1. Easify fields are not editable, so you'd have to stick with the default values for those, but as I said we try to make lists editable so you can tailor Easify closer to your actual workflow.

2. We don't support adding extra fields. There is an extra product serial number column you can switch on and off via Easify options, this is useful if you want to record serial numbers of products you sell. Typically we recommend that job details go in internal notes. BTW Internal notes will print on Easify Job Cards, but won't print on customer facing paperwork.

3. As above you can edit the Easify Order Types list to reflect precisely which job types you have.

4. The How you heard about us facility has been much requested and will no doubt make it into a future free upgrade.

5. You can't presently print a ticket from the thermal printer, but we are currently coding a new report designer which will allow much more flexibility in being able to create custom paperwork such as this.

6. Job cards are fixed format because they are internal documents, but if you can get hold of a copy of Crystal Reports you could directly edit the job card RPT file. As I said, we're currently implementing a report designer into Easify which will allow much more customisation of paperwork.

In terms of customisation, we don't tend to do so much of this these days as we've found that it isn't always cost effective for us or our clients. We're mainly focusing on the Out of the box experience with Easify and aim to meet any customisations by way of free Feature Packs in which we roll up client requests into a unified update that can benefit all.

I hope that helps, feel free to fire away if you have any other questions  

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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