V4 Legacy Help - Orders and Quotes Advanced Options

Orders and Quotes Advanced Options

Change Order & Quote Auto-numbering

On the advanced options page you can change the auto-numbering of orders within Easify.

Typically Easify will number your orders starting at number 100000. However if you would rather commence numbering from another number click the Change Order & Quote Auto-numbering button.

In the Change Next Order Number window, Easify will show you the next order number that it intends to use.

To change this number simply enter your preferred next order number in the box below and click OK.

Note: The number that you choose must be higher than any existing order number in Easify.

Serial Number Column

If you want to record unique serial numbers for products that you sell you can choose to tick the Display serial number column for Orders & Quotes checkbox.

You can also set the column name to be whatever you want, for example User Data, Serial Number, Suit No. etc...

Setting this option results in an extra column appearing in the Order details Window.

The new field is also editable via the POS by selecting an item in an open POS sale and pressing F4.

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