V4 Legacy Help - Adding Manufacturers

Adding Manufacturers

Each product or service that you enter into Easify must have a manufacturer assigned to it. If you manufacture your own products, or your company provides services then you should add your own company as a manufacturer.

Note: If you do not need to record who manufactures your products for your business, you can simply create a single manufacturer with your own company name or a general name such as "Generic", and use that for all of your products.

To add a new manufacturer click Products in the Main Menu.

Then select Manufacturers from the Products menu.

The Manufacturers dialogue displays a list of manufacturers that you have added to Easify. The first time you open the Manufacturers dialogue the list will be blank, so we will need to add some manufacturers.

Click the Add button.

Enter the manufacturers name then click OK to add the manufacturer to Easify.

Continue to add as many manufacturers as you need, click the Close button to finish.

Note: You can add more manufacturers at any time by returning to this dialogue. You can also rename or delete manufacturers via this dialogue.

Click here to read the next getting started article - Adding Suppliers

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