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Posted by Hanleys Horses


I'm a new user to Easify - Just wondering if there is a work around for having different departments within one company on the system? Perhaps category/sub-category does this - can someone explain - Thx  

Posted by John

Re: Departments

A departments feature is currently in the conception stage at the moment, so Easify doesn't directly support departments at the moment.

In Easify V3.83 and bellow you'd need to create another company using the EASU addon and treat other departments as suppliers and stock transfers as purchase orders.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by Sinead Hanley

Re: Departments

Thanks for the response - I understand I need the add on to create a new company - is it possible to,link the customers of one company I.e 1st company with the 2nd company - meaning that Company 2 would also have customers from company 1 - I know I can export and import but this doesn't solve the problem of when new customers are added to company 1

Posted by John

Re: Departments

Different company databases cannot communicate with each other directly.

Therefore you would currently have to manually keep the two system inline with each other.

We're looking at including a feature for different departments in a future free update, this will likely be last quarter of this year at the earliest.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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